We have a zero tolerance policy of trading and/or funding physical gold/projects that are directly or indirectly linked to the following:
We follow strict adherence and on-going implementation of the OECD Guidance for Conducting Due Diligence when sourcing from Conflict Affected and/or High-Risk Areas
Agaone NY Responsible Precious Metals
(Agaone Responsible Precious Metals Policy)
Agaone BSA AML CFT Program(Agaone BSA AML CFT Program)
Agaone Anti Corruption and Anti Bribery Policy (Agaone Anti Corruption and Anti Bribery Policy)
Agaone Customer Acceptance & Risk Assessment Procedure (Agaone Customer Acceptance & Risk Assessment Procedure)
Agaone Risk Committee Procedures (Agaone Risk Committee Procedures)
Agaone Account Openning Procedures
(Agaone Account Openning Procedures)
Know Your Counterparty KYC Form
(Know Your Counterparty KYC Form )
Service Providers KYC Form
(Service Providers KYC Form)